Gonny Stuut(1958) is a visual artist(BFA), painting, and costume maker, since 1990.
Based in Delft, The Netherlands
06 44058897
She studied fine arts at the KABK, The Hague,
1985-1990 Painting, silkprint.
Her artwork started hypo-realistic and developped trough time in a more semi abstract world whereby the human face in all it appearances, and the subconsious plays a major role.
Her artistic focus in working in oil painting and the last few years mainly with watercolour on paper.
Her passion she divides in painting and creating theatrical costumes and headpieces, mostly re-used materials.
For inquiries, please contact:

Foto: Marco Zwinkels
What is on the agenda of 2025?
-February (10-24) Artist in Residence,
Venezia Contemporanea( Galerie La Storta)
Ghetto Vecchio 1233, Venice (vaporetto: Guglie)
-artwork( watercolours XS till XL), exhibition and working on the spot
-to visit free every afternoon (see Instagram)
- 2 maskworkshops donated in the social domain (on location, not in the Venezia Contemporanea space)
- A new project in preparation....
2024 Project 'Nascondere o Mostrare'/ 'Hide or Show'
Maskproject Venice/ Delft, International Cooperation project, subsidiced by the Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie (subsidie Internationale Samenwerking)
2024 Exploration process by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie for a new project Brescia/ Venice ( Verkennings subsidie)
2023 'Futuro Presente' Trento, 2-daags seminar internationaal culturele samenwerkingen, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie
2021-2023 Cultural program 'Kunstzinnig Pieter'( BES&CULTUUR), subsidy by: Fonds Lang Leve Kunst, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Pieter van Foreest
2020 Scholar ship Istituto Venezia(B2), Dante Alighieri Rotterdam
2019 'Golden Age Souvenir' ( BES&CULTUUR) making typical Dutch souvenirs with seniors, o.a. subsidy by Gemeente Delft, Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Delfts Peil, Fonds 1818
2019 'Golden Selfie Project', 50 self-portraits , subsidy by Gemeente Delft
1993 'Honderd portretten van Delftenaren'